

I read a heartbreaking article in LA Times yesterday. Their Column One June 17th headline was "Death by Fire in the Gulf" and explained in the so-called burn boxes being used to get rid of all the oil. There is a bit of short-sightedness to this plan.

Question: Isn't the reason for containing and cleaning up the oil spill to preserve the flora and fauna in the gulf?

If that's the case, and we know it is, then why are they doing a clean up that is so counteractive to the purpose? If that is the case, then why aren't government officials, clean-up commissions and BP CEO's communicating with marine biologists to do recover sea turtles, birds and other wildlife before they are boiled or burned alive?

That said, let's look at the plan for a worst case scenario that BP officials, along with other "Big Oil" officials, had in place. First of all, it was apparently minimal, and second, as for saving wildlife, it details a plan for walruses and sea lions. I'm sure we've all heard, if you didn't know already, that walruses and sea lions do not live in the Gulf Coast region.

Investigations and hearings have begun in to see if BP Oil was grossly negligent in their drilling practices.

We should all know the answer to that.

However, should all of the blame really go to BP or any other corporation for that matter? About a year and a half or so ago, an investigation revealed corruption in the
Mineral Management Services
. The short-term memory of this country has truly shown up here. In this investigation we heard of the MMS basically partying it up with the oil companies rather than carrying out the oh so important job of oversight. The MMS is in charge of making sure that drilling and mining are done safely and with minimal risk. They are the ones who would have approved the said "emergency plan" that listed protecting animals that don't even live in the region as a priority for protection.

Can we really blame BP for taking advantage of such a lax system? Most people would, right...

Look at what this says for our oversight committees, all of them. The MMS allowed these companies to get away with out any kind of research. So now, what exactly happens with these hearings?