
Dear President (on health care)

My post to Obama’s Facebook about healthcare 8/19

Here's the deal. WE THE PEOPLE support a public option. I am a student/single mom. We don't have insurance for two reasons... #1- we can't afford it... #2 we don't trust it. I am at this moment watching Sicko for the 3rd time and getting angry all over again. I just read an article on the health "expo" (for lack of a better word) held at the Forum in Los Angeles... and I'm fuming at the fact that you shut down the public option.

My goals at this point are to get my education and try to find work in another county, a socialist one with universal health care along with other blessings. I hate living in a place that puts making money for corporations ahead of protecting their citizens.

WE THE POEPLE voted you into office for change, not compromise. Please keep this in mind....

Not that I expect this to be read admist the thousands of other FB comments.... but maybe, just maybe .... It will be taken to heart.

All Love, Kiva Hewett

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