
The oil spill in the gulf is not a good thing. A couple of weeks ago, the day after the explosion, the Soapbox focused on water. This was before there were any signs of a leak. Now, 2 weeks later, we are looking at extensive damage in our gulf coast region. This is devastating for that area. Please don’t forget New Orleans is barely recovering from Hurricane Katrina.

The pipe is has been leaking at 5,000 barrels a day. This is what we are hearing… let me put that in context for you because most people don’t know how much a barrel is.

A barrel is 42 gallons. 5,000 barrels is 210 thousand gallons. This is awful.
Last week Thursday, April 29, President Obama said he would use every resource to get the mess cleaned up.

The latest news, however is that The amount of oil pumping into the Gulf is far more than 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons. The word is that it's like five times that.

In order to remedy the mess, BP tried placing an oil containment box over the leak in hopes that this will stop the spill. Which didn't work.

The spill started just a month after President Obama announced plans to open up more off-shore drilling. Come to think of it, the mine explosion in West Virginia that killed 25 people happened just a week after Obama’s announcement.
It’s as if Mother nature said, Oh Hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another point on this oil spill deal. We are going to pay for this. The gas prices will go up, shrimp prices will go up. Oyster prices and whatever else we get out of that sea will go up. Is this really fair? Why should we be paying for BP’s business risks? If you invest in say, selling corn out of a wagon and you trip and tip the whole wagon over, you have now lost all your money and your product.

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