
Stimulate Who?

As I drive from one place to another and see construction projects with signs that say "your stimulus dollars at work" it makes me wonder just HOW it is supposed to work.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of friends who do benefit directly from these projects, but those friends have always done that sort of work. However, I'm a 5-foot 2-inch female who just graduated with a journalism degree, teaches dance part-time and likes to think of herself as a performer. I have a 10-year-old daughter who needs food, clothing, activities to get into and a roof over her head.

I am in no way, shape or form inclined or trained to build anything. It would probably take months of training to get me to even be able to facilitate a construction company as a receptionist or anything close. So how am I benefiting from those stimulus dollars?

Why didn't they just break each of us off a check? that would have gone directly into the economy in a way that the so-called free market should work. I would have got my car work done that is still desperately needed and I still can not afford. that would have kept the body shop owner from laying off that extra mechanic. That mechanic would have been able to keep up the payments on his home and the bank he got his loan from would have had one less defaulted mortgage and maybe been able to stay solvent.

It makes sense to me.... does it make sense to you?

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